About the project
Project goals and objectives
Our ’European Migration Stories" project was carried out with 36 young people in Istanbul. 2021-1- TR01-ESC30-SOL-000036564 ref. our project has been funded by the Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı (National Agency of Turkey).
Project Name: European Migration Stories Project Date: Start: 31.12.2021-End: 30.05.2023 Project Location: İstanbul, Turkey
The "European Migration Stories" project aims to raise awareness about the problems that migration leaves on society by transferring the social skills of disadvantaged immigrant individuals from different countries living in Turkey to each other. This project aims to encourage participants to share their own migration experiences through short films and thus offer society the complexity of migration and opportunities for people to better understand each other.
Sultangazi Belediyesi (Sultangazi Municipality)
About the project
Project goals and objectives
The 1st National Meeting of our “Türkiye Etkin Gönüllülük Zirvesi” (Turkey Active Volunteering Summit) project was held in Mardin with 60 young people. 2021-2-TR01-KA154-YOU-000040971 ref. Our project no. was financed by the Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı (Turkish National Agency).
Project Name: Türkiye Etkin Gönüllülük Zirvesi Project Date: 11-14 October 2022 Project Location: Mardin, Turkey
With our project, meetings will be held with the youth, policy makers and NGO Representatives to identify the problems that prevent the spread of volunteering, and to evaluate the solution proposals in the light of personal and institutional experiences, and to achieve useful results in policy making. Thanks to our project;
Dialogue between youth and decision makers and their participation in democratic life, To develop volunteerism by encouraging it in an international context, Through volunteering, we increase the participation of young people in social life and democratic processes, while promoting social inclusion, integration and respect for others. We aim to develop the participants' negotiation, diplomatic language, public speaking and teamwork skills.
Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports,