
Educational Scholarship

Education is the development of a person’s emotional, physical, and mental abilities in accordance with a set goal. Education is the fundamental right of every individual. Under difficult circumstances, some people may be deprived of these basic rights.


Knowledge is a necessity that everyone should have access to. According to the data of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), about 28 million children worldwide are in a refugee situation due to war and instability.

Let’s support our future while we can.

Our association, which strives to create knowledgeable, respectful and useful generations with the support of you, is dedicated to students who have completed primary and secondary education, high school, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in our country;

Would you Like to support the regular non-refundable scholarship for Undergraduate, Graduate and Doctoral students who continue their education and training in the field of humanitarian aid and humanitarian diplomacy at universities for 8 months?

Would you Like to Support education (stationery tools and equipment) assistance for children in need who cannot continue their education life due to financial difficulties?


  • Mağdur durumdaki insanlara ve özellikle savaş, terör faaliyetleri ve diğer sebeplerle yetim kalmış ve sokaklarda yaşamlarını idame ettirmeye çalışan çocuklara din, dil, ırk ve mezhep farkı gözetmeksizin insani yardım faaliyetleri gerçekleştiriyoruz.
  • 0530 613 4472