Ramadan Activities

Ramadan Activities

The month of Ramadan, the sultan of the 11th month, is the month in which solidarity and cooperation are highest from a social point of view, as well as its importance from a religious point of view. During Ramadan, the holiest month of the Islamic religion, it is also the time to share, cooperate and take care of the poor people. With the help provided during Ramadan, bridges are being built and empathy is being established between rich and wealthy people and poor and needy people Decently.

There are definitely needy families who can breathe easy with the help made during Ramadan, needy people who can eat hot meals regularly with the Iftar tables set up, orphaned children who rejoice with festive clothes and gifts around us. In addition, we bear witness to the owners of charity who find peace with the help they will make during Ramadan, cleanse themselves by giving zakat to their property, and purify themselves by observing the rights of the poor.

As part of the Ramadan activities, our Association continues to provide cash and in-kind assistance to those in need along with mass iftar and sahur meals, food parcel distribution for needy families throughout the month of Ramadan. We continue our work with the help of zakat, food rations, iftar, sahur, fitra, ransom and Eid clothing.

We are setting up Iftar tables for our Muslim siblings who need it every day during Ramadan, which is the religion of sharing, cooperation, being open, thirsty, being next to everyone who needs help, which is the most blessed month of the Islamic religion.

We invite you to be a partner in our goodness in order to be with us during Ramadan. You can also be a partner in our table by donating Iftar dinner.

The Donation Fee is 35₺

During Ramadan, the most blessed month of the Islamic religion, which is the religion of sharing, cooperation, being open, thirsty, being next to everyone who needs help, we set up sahur tables for our Muslim brothers and sisters who need it every day.

We invite you to be a partner in our goodness in order to be with us during Ramadan. You can be a partner in our table by donating sahur food.

Donation Fee is $1.5

“The one is not one of us who sleeps full while his neighbor is hungry.” We see in the Hadith Sharif that the Religion of Islam exists for all humanity and is beneficial to all humanity.

As a result of the good deeds such as helping and sharing that Islam advises all believers, we provide food package assistance to families and orphans who do not have food at home and need help.

If you also want to cause smiles on faces, you can send your donations to us from the Donate section.


The Donation Fee is 250₺

Zakat is the third of the five basic principles of Islam, as it is a religous duty worship. Muslims who will give zakat should know the scales of truth as well as they follow the procedures and manners of zakat. A person calculates his property subject to zakat and gives one in forty (2.5 percent) to the poor. Just as a person who wants can give zakat above one in forty, one part in forty is the minimum amount, six cannot be given.

We are delivering your Zakat donations to the students of the madrasa, their families and the poor people in the vicinity.

By sending your zakat donations to the real needy people abroad, you can fulfill the nature and importance of zakat and become a partner in the joy of your siblings.

As Ilksenol, we are delivering your relics to our religious brothers and sisters who are thousands of kilometers away by falling on the roads. You can also send your ransom to your needy brothers and sisters by building a bridge of hearts, give them the happiness of sharing, and alleviate the difficulties caused by poverty during Ramadan.

You can send us your Fitra and Ransom donations from the Make a Donation section.

The greatest joy of Eid mornings for children is new clothes and festive gifts. Our intention is to be able to be a smile and happiness on the faces of children with festive aids.

Holidays and gifts are delivered to eligible children before the holiday, and the joy of the holiday is endured.

If you also want to cause smiles on faces, you can send your donations to us from the Festive donation section. Photos and videos of your Holiday donations are sent via Whatsapp to the phone numbers you have sent.

The Donation Fee is 200₺


  • Mağdur durumdaki insanlara ve özellikle savaş, terör faaliyetleri ve diğer sebeplerle yetim kalmış ve sokaklarda yaşamlarını idame ettirmeye çalışan çocuklara din, dil, ırk ve mezhep farkı gözetmeksizin insani yardım faaliyetleri gerçekleştiriyoruz.
  • 0530 613 4472
  • info@ilksenol.org.tr