Orphan Protectorate

Thanks to you, our precious benefactors, we remind our orphan siblings that they are not alone and we provide them with hot food treats whenever we can.
If you want to take part in the Bereket Tables, you can send your donations from the Donate section. Photos and videos of the activities carried out as a result of the donations made are sent via Whatsapp to the phone numbers you have sent.
The Donation Fee is 35₺
The Donation Fee is 200₺
As İlk Sen Ol, we deliver the clothing aids made by our donors to our orphaned and needy brothers and sisters in the region we serve. The help we give to our brothers in our clothing event consists of slippers, trousers, T-shirts and chocolates.
If you would like to participate in our activities, you can send your donations to us from the Make a Donation section. Photos and videos of the activities carried out are sent via Whatsapp to the phone numbers you have sent.
The Donation Fee is 150₺
There are many madrasas and hafiz students in Nigeria, which is majority Muslim. Our brothers and sisters, students of the Qur'an, who are trying to complete their memorization in misery and poverty, are usually trying to do their memorization with verses written on wooden slabs. Although our institution realizes this deficiency in the region and provides hardcover Qur'an assistance to many madrasas, there are still many madrasas that lack the Qur'an. If you would like to give the Qur'an to our hafiz applicant brothers, you can send your donations to us from the Make a Donation section.
Photos and videos of the activities carried out are sent via Whatsapp to the phone numbers you have sent.
The Donation Fee is 50₺
If you also want to cause a smile on the faces of little hearts, you can send your donations to us from the chocolate and ice cream donation section. Photos and videos of your donations are sent via Whatsapp to the phone numbers you have sent.
Ice cream 15₺
Chocolate Distribution 10₺
- Mağdur durumdaki insanlara ve özellikle savaş, terör faaliyetleri ve diğer sebeplerle yetim kalmış ve sokaklarda yaşamlarını idame ettirmeye çalışan çocuklara din, dil, ırk ve mezhep farkı gözetmeksizin insani yardım faaliyetleri gerçekleştiriyoruz.
- 0530 613 4472
- info@ilksenol.org.tr