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Living With an Alcoholic: How to Deal With an Alcoholic Spouse

how to live with an alcoholic wife

Alcoholism not only affects the individual struggling with addiction but also has a profound impact on the relationships within the family unit. Understanding alcoholism and its impact on relationships is crucial in navigating this difficult situation. Couples therapy can be an important resource when dealing with a partner’s addiction, especially if you still love each other and share a vision of a healthier relationship. Therapy provides a neutral space to voice concerns, discuss the impact of drinking on the family, and develop strategies that foster recovery and emotional support. Socially, living with an alcoholic partner can lead to isolation. Other family members, including children and parents, also experience significant emotional and relational turmoil due to the alcohol abuse.

how to live with an alcoholic wife

What to do when you’re living with an alcoholic

how to live with an alcoholic wife

If you’re unsure how to stay married to an alcoholic, understanding the relationship challenges that accompany addiction is a good starting point. If they refuse to seek help or even discuss it, remember that your safety and well-being are top priorities, and you should consider removing yourself from the living situation. If you think your loved one would be open to treatment, find a time to discuss different options with them or consider staging an intervention.

#6 You’re Not Taking Care of Yourself or Your Family

how to live with an alcoholic wife

By replacing the cycle of conflict and alcohol misuse with communication and constructive interaction, couples therapy can guide both of you toward more stable ground. Staying married to someone battling alcoholism is a personal choice that requires patience, empathy, and resilience. Alcoholism is a disease requiring specialized treatment and intervention, and the longer it continues unaddressed, the more it can derail everyone’s lives. Research shows that substance abuse in a relationship can intensify dissatisfaction and instability. Verbal arguments may escalate into harmful patterns, and in some cases, even physical aggression.

  • When dealing with a spouse battling alcoholism, setting healthy boundaries is crucial for maintaining your well-being and protecting the relationship.
  • Self-care can take many forms, including activities that bring you joy and relaxation.
  • If your loved one is unsure about where to start, gently encourage them to do their research on how to stop drinking, ensuring that they do so safely and with the right information.
  • According to a 2017 report, approximately 10.5 percent (7.5 million) of U.S. children ages 17 and younger live with a parent with AUD.
  • Discover how inpatient rehab durations vary from 28 days to 6+ months.

Relationship Dysfunction

All you can do is hold your boundaries and try to help guide them in the drug addiction right direction. At some point, most people who get sober realize they need help getting better. If you continue to enforce boundaries, ask your loved one to get help, and explain how their behaviors are affecting you to no avail, take a close look at your relationship. Perhaps you’ve held an intervention, or several, and your partner won’t enter an addiction treatment facility, it should give you pause.

how to live with an alcoholic wife

Defining What Type of Drug Is Alcohol

” self-assessment below if you think you or someone you love might be struggling with an alcohol use disorder (AUD). The evaluation consists of 11 yes or no questions that are intended to be used as an informational tool to assess the severity and probability of an AUD. The test is free, confidential, and no personal information is needed to receive the result. Confront them.This could be in a one-on-one conversation or aninterventionwith others who are concerned about the person. Without confrontation, it’s unfair to expect a person to change.

how to live with an alcoholic wife

Gaining strength and knowledge and making how to live with an alcoholic wife necessary changes that support recovery will help give a spouse what they need to move forward in their relationship. Many couples survive addiction and overcome obstacles that threaten to destroy their relationship. To help a spouse overcome a substance use disorder, it is crucial to understand that they are the only ones who control their recovery outcomes. Functional alcoholics differ from those who struggle with alcoholism, primarily in how alcohol affects their lives.

  • Many partners experience feelings of guilt, frustration, anger, and sadness.
  • Treat yourself to something you enjoy on occasion in order to give yourself a break from the turmoil at home.
  • Here are a few signs it might be time to leave an alcoholic spouse.

They may also withdraw from social situations and find excuses to miss events or optional commitments where drinking is not available or possible. There may also be new legal issues arising for them, like driving under the influence or making other poor decisions. As their reliance on alcohol increases, you may begin to notice that your loved one downplays the role alcohol has in their lives and makes excuses for their actions, especially their drinking.

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